Does Restylane Silk Hurt?

Getting Restylane Silk is an easy way to improve your smile, typically for at least 6 months, depending on your metabolism.  Restylane Silk treatment create a fuller and smoother smile.  After about 6 months the filler is gradually broken down by the body until it is no longer visible.  Restylane Silk is made by Galderma and is a thinner, smoother, silkier version of the original Restylane filler.woman smiling

Restylane Silk is injected directly into the lips for enhancement, or around the mouth if you are treating fine wrinkles around the lips.  Talk with your injector about your goals and bring a few pictures of lips and smiles that you like.  Most injectors will numb you with a prescription strength topical numbing cream, dental block injections in the mouth, or ice.  Once you are adequately numb, they will inject the Restylane Silk  with an ultrafine needle and may position it by massaging and molding the area.

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Restylane Silk contains 0.3% lidocaine to help reduce any discomfort from injections.  People who are hypersensitive to lidocaine, or have bleeding disorders should not receive treatment.

I have found that Restylane Silk feels the same as any other filler while it is being injected.  Patients should always follow Instructions Prior to Injections to prevent bruising and complications.  There may be some discomfort from the pokes of the needle, but usually if the patient is adequately numb, there is very little discomfort.  Once the patient goes home, they are given Proper Post Care information such as not to use any straws and to sleep with their head elevated a bit, etc.

During the 2 weeks after injections, the Restylane Silk will settle into place. During this time any swelling and bruising from the injections will subside.  Restylane Silk feels different from other fillers during the 2 weeks afterwards because they will not feel as many large lumps.  With many other fillers patients often feel bumps and lumps under their skin but with Restylane Silk the healing process is a bit smoother.

  • David Shields

    I’v been considering getting restylane filler recently and your article helped me make my decision to go forward and get it, thank you.

    • Great David! I’m glad my article helped you! 🙂