red bumps after laser hair removal

Why did Laser Hair Removal make me break out in red bumps?

Laser hair removal / reduction is one of my favorite treatments on the market!  More and more people are going under the laser because of the convenience, affordability, and effectiveness of laser hair reduction.

Aloe Vera Gel Organic

I have fair skin, with light colored eyes and hair, so I am technically not the best candidate for laser hair removal.  Laser hair removal is most effective on people with lighter skin and darker hair, because of how the lasers work.  I was eager to start laser hair removal to be effortlessly hair free!  I wanted freedom from embarrassing stubble, razor burn, ingrown hairs, and wasting money on buying razors, shaving cream, and taking hour long showers.  I had dreamed of getting laser hair removal for a few years, and even tried a few sessions for my underarms but never really committed to a program.

After lots of research I found a company with great reviews, I have been getting my full body treatments at Simplicity Laser in Scottsdale, AZ for almost a year now.  To be effective, laser hair removal requires several treatments planned every 4-6 weeks with the hair growth cycle, and the laser strength is turned up each treatment.  Treatments are super easy, I just go in every 4-6 weeks for treatment, the laser techs are friendly and always put me at ease during my sessions.  The technician guides me how to lay on the treatment table and glides the laser head over my skin, and it makes a zapping sound.  There is not any real pain during treatment, but there is a warm feeling like my skin is being snapped by a rubber band.  It takes the laser less than a second to treat a square inch of hair follicles.  Treatment usually takes about 10 minutes or less for me.

Immediately after treatment my skin is red and bumpy and warm, I always use the Aloe Vera gel and SPF that Simplicity Laser provides. The technicians said the heat rash I get after treatments is normal and means that the laser is working.  I don’t mind the red bumps much since they go away within 30 minutes, but I was definitely scared the first time it happened!red bumps after laser hair removal

I am 100% satisfied with my laser hair removal experience.  I have noticed almost complete hair removal on my legs, underarms, and bikini area.  I finally have freedom from shaving!  Areas like my arms that have lighter peach fuzz don’t respond as well as dark hair does to laser hair removal.

Before you start your laser hair removal program be sure you can follow the important rules of laser hair removal – no harsh skincare products, no antibiotics, no sun exposure, and shave right before your appointments!  I love my results so far!