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Worst Pain I’ve Ever Felt Getting Botox

The worst pain I’ve ever felt was when I broke my leg.  Botox does not compare!  Pain is a big dilemma for many patients considering Botox.  Needles and shots in general can send many running for the hills.  When it comes to Botox and Dysport however, there is nothing to be afraid of.  The type of syringes used for Botox and Dysport injections are some of the Beautiful girl in scottsdale azsmallest available actually.  Insulin syringes are used for Botox, to cause as little discomfort as possible and minimize injection site trauma.  Typically the Botox is injected into multiple locations that is mapped out by the injector.  The injector will discuss concerns and goals with you prior to treatment.  The injector will analyse and observe the facial muscles and some injectors will use a white eyeliner pencil to mark where they plan to inject.  Once the injector has determined where exactly they will be injecting, they may choose to apply a topical numbing cream, usually containing lidocaine.  While numbing cream is not necessary, it can put some patients at ease.  Ice can also be used prior to treatment to numb the area, for the best results follow these steps before treatment.

Botox Alternative

Every Botox treatment I’ve ever received was performed in less than 30 minutes.  The convenient appointment times make Botox the  “lunch-time” treatment.  I’ve never even flinched when getting Botox.  Sometimes, however there is a slight crunching sound as the insulin syringes penetrates the muscle.  Small injection site bumps can appear but they usually go away within the hour.  If you’re concerned about pain, you may request a topical numbing cream. Botox is quick, easy, and painless and can even treat migraines and excessive sweating.