Why is Juvederm Volbella better than Restylane or Juvederm?

Juvederm Volbella XC vs Juvederm Ultra XC, Restylane, and Restylane Silk Juvederm Volbella is the newest addition to the Juvederm family of fillers, the world’s most popular brand of fillers.  Volbella has been a hot topic in the aesthetics industry since it’s recent FDA approval this summer.  I want to compare Juvederm Ultra XC, Restylane, and … Continue reading Why is Juvederm Volbella better than Restylane or Juvederm?

My Restylane Lip injections

My Experience with Restylane Lip Filler I had Restylane injected into my lips recently.  I had received Restylane, Restylane Silk, and Juvederm before and loved my results.  I hadn’t gotten any injections in over 6 months and I felt my lips losing volume, so it was time to get more.  I had heard lots of … Continue reading My Restylane Lip injections