Did Latisse Change My Eye Color?

How Latisse changed my life

fullsizerender-7Latisse is an FDA approved medication to treat hypotrichosis ‘inadequate’ lashes.
 Latisse is a repackaged version Lumigan, a medicated eye drop for treating glaucoma.  While Lumigan worked to treat glaucoma, patients quickly noticed rapid eyelash growth.  In 2009 Allergan used the active ingredient, bimatoprost in clinical studies, and got FDA approval specifically for growing lashes.

Latisse increases lash length, darkness, and the number of hairs.  Typically lashes start growing more after about a month.  Lash growth is noticeable, but not permanent.  After discontinuing Latisse, lashes return to how they were before treatment.  The side effects of Latisse are darkening of the eyelid skin along the lashline and increased brown pigmentation in the colored part of the eye.image1

Color change in the iris caused by Latisse is permanent and pretty scary to think
about. Cases of darkening eye pigment from Latisse are rare, but still a risk of using the product.  I have light greenish, hazel eyes, so I was a little hesitant to start using Latisse after hearing the horror stories.  However, my lashes are naturally thin and blonde and I desperately wanted dark, lush lashes.

Eyelash Growth Serum

After much online research, I scheduled my appointment at the American Laser
Skincare Center.  I was nervous and excited going into my appointment.  The doctor I met with had a warm presence that put me at ease.  She explained how Latisse works, how to apply it every night before bed, and what to expect.  That day I left with my first 30 day supply of Latisse- a box containing 60 disposable applicators and a 3 mL bottle of Latisse.

That night I followed my instructions and put one drop of Latisse onto two clean
applicators and swiped them across each lashline.  I didn’t need to swipe the applicator along my lower lashes because the product naturally got there when I blinked.  Latisse doesn’t sting or hurt when it gets into your eyes, it just feels like water.

fullsizerender-7After a month of use I noticed a huge difference! My lashes were thicker, darker, and longer than I had ever seen.  My doctor told me after two months of continuous use that I could use Latisse every other night for maintenance.  Another little trick my doctor recommended was swiping any leftover product across my brows.  Before I throw away my applicator, I just apply any leftover Latisse to my brows.  Like my lashes, my brows have also gotten thicker.  I’m happy to say my eyes and eyelids haven’t darkened at all.  I wear contacts and haven’t had any problems with them.  I have been using Latisse for several years and it has been such a blessing.  I rarely wear mascara now, so putting on and taking off my makeup is quick and easy.  Latisse only takes a minute to apply and has simplified my life and morning makeup routine.